


We can ship to virtually any address in the world. Please note that there are restrictions on some products, and some products cannot be shipped to international destinations. If you would like products shipped internationally please send us an email for a quote.

At Moses and Co. Market Wholefoods we are committed to good value products with impeccable customer service.

We dispatch orders from Melbourne on business days only (Mon to Fri). We will endeavor to pack and send your order as soon as it is received, however sometimes an item is out of stock. In this case we will try to contact you so you can decide whether to wait until all the stock arrives, or to alter or amend your order.

Our shipping rates are as follows:

Refrigerated/Freezer Deliveries with Courier (address must be 25km driving distance from Melbourne CBD ONLY) - $9.90

All other deliveries via Australia Post
Victoria - $9.90 Flat Rate
ACT, NSW, QLD & TAS - $12.90 Flat Rate
NT & WA - $15.90 Flat Rate
SA - $13.90 Flat Rate

Please Note: We Reserve the right to alter our delivery charges at any time and for any reason. Our 'Flat Rate' delivery charges are only available for major Australian metropolitan areas. If your order needs to be delivered outside Australia or to areas of Australia that incur higher shipping changes, we may need to alter your shipping charges accordingly (we will always contact you before making any such changes). If your order is exceedingly heavy or requires special packaging then our shipping charges may also need to increase.

*Flat Rate applies to orders up to 3kg to Australian Major Metropolitan areas.